Thus concludes this season of R-Ladies #LdnOnt! Thank you to Jaky for leading us through our last workshop together, and to all of you who came out to these things over the last two and a half years. Workshop materials are posted in the usual places (website, GitHub, Drive).

Some news that I’ve spoken about a bit in person but not in any official capacity yet: Sally and I are stepping down as organizers. I’ll be leaving London in July, and Sally’s got a lot on her plate this year with PhD and R-baby. We don’t currently have an active plan in place for somebody to take over the helm, though I have spoken with a few of our members (👋 you know who you are!), and know that there are some who have expressed interest in being involved in a community-run chapter. This will be the plan we’ll be exploring going forward: perhaps a co-op or rocur style group; the details remain to be seen. Importantly, if you have any interest in getting involved with the R-Ladies chapter leadership in any way next year, aboslutely reach out to me (ldnont at rladies dot org).

Assemble the team!


I have a lot of other feelings to speak of, but I fear getting started writing them down right here and now would run the risk of me getting rambly and nostalgic, so I’m going to save my final thoughts on R-Ladies for another post in a couple weeks.


I’ll send and update later on in the summer about what the future of R-Ladies #LdnOnt looks like!